Creative, enriching, versatile, and more meaningful ways of using the feelings and sentence completion cards
An introductory course of different ways of using Dr Karen Treisman's Feelings and Sentence Completion Treasure deck of cards- including ways of making them more meaningful, relational, creative, & enriching.
Introduction, slides, practicalities, and things to be mindful of
Hello and introduction- 3.5 mins
Some things to hold in mind about the cards- 13 mins
Some things around environment and regulation to hold in mind- 8 mins
The communication cards and using them with the feelings cards- 5 mins (actual cards in next section)
Communication cards- pdf
Different ways and information about using the feelings cards- 9.5 mins
A reminder about quality over quantity and way we use the cards- 3 mins
The slides of the module in pdf
Some creative and versatile ways of using the cards
Some creative and versatile ways of using the cards- 13 mins
Integrating cards into psycho educational aspects- 5 mins
Other creative ways of using the feelings cards- 4 mins
Other ways to express and communicate feelings- 4 mins
Questions and ways to enrich, layer, and thicken the responses
Thinking about ways of enriching and thickening the use of the cards and on people's responses- 10 mins
A practice question around "happy"- 2 mins
Different ways of enriching "happy"- can be applied to all cards and a practice activity- 10 mins- worksheet on next lesson
An opportunity to practice- 4 mins
A worksheet on some of the questions around "happy"
Sentence completion- purple cards
Using the sentence completion cards- 12 mins
Sentence completion bug example- 4 mins
Goodbye, thanks, and next steps
Goodbye, next steps, and thanks
What do I get for my money?
You get about 115 minutes/ just under 2 hours (broken down into 5-20 min videos) of video footage presented by Dr Karen Treisman, MBE (Clinical Psychologist, Author, Trainer, and Organisational Consultant). This does not include the time added for reflection, interactive activities, discussion, and further reading etc. This material is available for 1 year after purchase so you can re-visit it numerous times. • You get the handout of the slides to print and some additional resources.
How long do I have access for? And is this for just me or multiple people?
From when you purchase the module it is accessible for you for 12 months. You can dip in and out and watch it as many times as you like in that 12-month period. This is for one person and yourself only. You can arrange bulk orders as discussed below.
What is the cost and I can I do bulk orders?
The module is priced at £17.99. Payment takes just a few minutes and is made on the platform via PayPal or stripe using a card. This means direct debit or credit card can be used. For groups of over 10, an invoice payment can be arranged. Teams or organisations can make bulk orders and can receive a discount (this includes being able to roll out to all employees or play at team meetings/ conferences etc. You are welcome to contact [email protected] to discuss numbers and prices
Do I have to watch this all in one go? What is the format?
Nope absolutely not. It is presented in bite size segments ranging from 5 minutes to 20 minutes. This is purposely done to allow for people to dip in and dip out and to watch it in whichever way suits their learning style and the situation in which they are in. It is also intended that people pause, practice the exercises, reflect on them, discuss, and so forth. People may want to revisit and repeat them as well. This is also done in smaller sections to optimise people’s engagement, concentration, and attention; and to encourage people to move around, take brain breaks, practice the regulating activities etc.
Is there opportunities for more training or consultation with Dr Treisman?
Absolutely, depending on our capacity and availability, we offer one-to-one or team spaces to discuss the nuts and bolts of your specific situation. We also offer FAQ or thinking spaces for those to reflect and embed learning after engaging in the module. Please email [email protected] We also are hoping to work on lots of projects together and are so motivated by what is most useful- so please do pop us wish list, requests, and suggestions.
Why does the format seem not studio ready? Why have you used this platform?
Please note these modules are being created in a real and down to earth way. Every effort has been made to make them useful and interesting, but like this topic, it is real world and flexible. They are intentionally raw and unedited. And in order to keep them low cost. The platform is thinkific. It was selected as it is easy-to-use and accessible. Feedback on previous modules has been very positive. They also have a great customer support and online trouble-shooting support if needed. Please when using the platform ensure that you input your details correctly and keep them somewhere safe. This includes selecting an email address you can access from home and work.
Who is the creator?
Dr Karen Treisman, MBE, is an award winning Highly Specialist Clinical Psychologist, organizational consultant, trainer, author, and trauma specialist who has worked in the National Health System and children’s social services for several years. Karen has also worked cross-culturally in both Africa and Asia with groups ranging from former child soldiers, asylum-seeking young people, to those living with HIIV/AIDS, and to survivors of the Rwandan Genocide. She also is the bestselling Author of several books/ workbooks/ cards. Karen has extensive experience in the areas of trauma, adversity, loss, child protection, fostering, adoption, refugee and asylum seeking contexts, trafficking, and attachment. She works clinically using a range of therapeutic approaches with families, systems, and children in or on the edge of care, unaccompanied asylum-seeking young people, and adopted children. As well as being a supervisor, reflective practice facilitator, and trainer. Karen also specialises and spends more of her time now supporting teams, organisations, and systems to move towards becoming, and to sustain adversity, culturally and, trauma-informed, infused, and responsive practice (at a language, policy, culture, and practice level); and is an organisational consultant to numerous organizations around the world including numerous social services, health services, schools, nursery schools, the police, prisons, charities, residential homes, nursing homes, churches, and many many more. This work focuses on creating meaningful and multi-layered cultural and paradigm shift across whole systems. This was the focus of Dr Treisman’s Winston Churchill Fellowship Award where Karen visited several places in the USA to further study whole system and organisational approaches to trauma-informed and trauma-responsive care.