Course curriculum

  • 1

    1. Introduction to the module, ways to optimise the module, and to the creator of the module

    • 0.1. Hello, welcome from Dr Karen Treisman, contact details, and an overview of my other books and cards- 8 minutes

    • 0.2. Intro into what the module will cover- an overview- 5 minute

    • Summary listing all of the contents of this module as a reference point

    • 0.3. Tips of ways to optimise this module and online learning- 11 minutes.

  • 2

    2. Resource pack and the slides of the whole presentation

    • 31 page illustrated resource pack of worksheets and handouts- to refer to throughout the module

    • The full powerpoint presentation slide pack to be used and referred to throughout

  • 3

    3. Things to be mindful, key considerations, top tips, and ways of being- foundational concepts

    • 0.4. Things to be mindful around grief and death. Including ways of being and key considerations. Part 1. 22 minutes.

    • 0.5. Things to be mindful around grief and death. Including ways of being and key considerations. Part 2. 16 minutes

    • 0.5b. Things to be mindful of. Talking about death, funerals, cremations etc. 10 minutes

    • 0.6. Things to be mindful around grief and death. Including ways of being and key considerations. Part 3. 8 minutes.

    • 0.7. Things to be mindful around grief and death. Including ways of being and key considerations. Part 4. 9 minutes.

    • 0.8. Things to be mindful around grief and death. Including ways of being and key considerations. Part 5. 6 minutes.

    • 0.9. Things to be mindful of around our own regulation and wellbeing. 9 minutes.

  • 4

    0.4. Some of the feelings, sensations, experiences, and responses around grief and death; including some complicating factors

    • 0.10. An introduction to complicating factors around grief and death. 12 minutes.

    • 0.11. Taking some time to reflect on some of the common feelings, sensations and experiences around grief. Sculptures. 5 minutes.

    • 0.12. Exploring some of the common feelings, sensations and questions which people may have already grief- going through illustrated worksheets. 22 minutes.

  • 5

    0. 5. Context and environment setting

    • 0.13. Things to think about around the context, the timing, and the environment. 24 minutes.

  • 6

    0.6. Talking about feelings and activities, games, and ways to support children when expressing and identifying feelings.

    • 0.14. Talking about feelings and ways to support children when expressing and identifying feelings. Part 1. 23 minutes.

    • 0.15. Talking about feelings and ways to support children when expressing and identifying feelings. Including feelings infographics and 2 quotes. Part 2. 14 minutes.

    • 0.16. Introducing the 7 e model. Talking about feeling. 3 minutes

    • 0.17. An explanation of the 7 e model. Talking about feelings.

    • 0.18. Activities and creative ideas for expressing feelings- body based ideas. 15 minutes.

    • 0.19. Activities and creative ideas for expressing feelings- feelings wheel, feelings collage, Russian dolls, sand and Lego. 17 minutes.

    • 0.20. Activities and creative ideas for expressing feelings- biscuits, balloons, head of thoughts. 10 minutes.

    • 0.21. Activities and creative ideas for expressing feelings- patchwork, puzzle, play doh, cards, octopus. 15 minutes.

    • 0.22. Different ways of externalising thoughts, feelings and worries. 7 minutes.

    • 0.23. A spotlight on those children who hold things in and bottle up. 10 minutes.

  • 7

    0.7. Talking about grief and loss- reflecting on the experience, using metaphors, symbols, and externalising creative tools- As well as talking about hope, love, strength, and more

    • 0.24. What does grief and loss mean and look like to you- reflective questions. 4 minutes

    • 0.25. Metaphors and symbols around grief and loss. Including the worksheet. 17 minutes.

    • 0.26. Metaphors and symbols around soaking in positive thoughts, beings and energy. 13 minutes

  • 8

    0.8. Creative and expressive ways to remember and honour the person who has died- reminders of them and keeping them close

    • 0.27. Missing and honouring the person. Activities and tools. Blankets, teddies, females, snow globes, and more. Part 1. 11 minutes.

    • 0.28. Missing and honouring the person. Activities and tools. Candles, key rings, vase, balloons and much more. Part 2. 19 minutes.

    • 0.29. Missing and honouring the person. Activities and tools. Magnet, chocolate box, sparkle diary, bottle up, patchwork and much more. Part 3. 9 minutes.

    • 0.30. You are not alone. Life cheerleaders, supporters, inspirers and team. 13 minutes.

    • 0.31. Regulating activities- 15 minutes

  • 9

    0.9. Regulating activities

    • 0.31b. Some regulating options. 2 minutes

    • 0.32. A regulating activity- sensory box- 6 minutes

    • 0.33. A regulating activity- Hand breathing. 5 minutes

    • 0.34. A regulating activity-muscle tensing and relaxing. 2 minutes.

    • 0.35. A regulating activity- a butterfly hug and rhythm. 3 minutes.

    • 0.36. Travelling back to a positive moment. 3 minutes

  • 10

    0.10. Journey and distance travelled

    • 0.37. Journey and distance travelled. 9 minutes.

  • 11

    0.11. Practicalities.

    • 0.38. Practicalities and things to hold in mind. 5 minutes.

  • 12

    0.12. Q and A session info and endings and goodbyes

    • 0.39. QA info. 4 minutes.

    • 0.40. Endings and goodbyes. 9 minutes.

  • 13

    0.13. Completion certificate

    • certificate of completion


  • what does the online package include?

    • This package includes up 7.5 hours of video footage by award winning and best-selling author, trainer and Clinical Psychologist, Dr Karen Treisman. • A pdf of the slides. • A 33-page resource pack with professionally illustrated worksheets. • Follow up Q and A online sessions with Dr Treisman as a group- minimum of 2 options until December 2020. As well as follow-up videos with FAQ answered by Dr Treisman. • A CPD certificate.

  • Who is this module for and what type of bereavements and losses does it relate to?

    • This module is an introductory module into supporting, parenting, and working with children and teenagers who have experienced a or multiple deaths. This may be the death of a parent, grand parent, friend, other relative, sibling, teacher, pet, and so forth. Whilst, there are lots of aspects which can be creatively applied to areas of divorce or separation. This is not specifically focused on that area. Also, more specific types of death, such as suicide and murder, are mentioned; and many of the tools discussed are very relevant and applicable to those experiences but this is not specifically catered for those children. • This module has been created in the context of the pandemic, so this is mentioned, and the area of grief and loss feels more highlighted at the moment. However, this module is about death and grief previous to covid, during and from covid, and after from covid-related things or other ones- so it is much broader. • The ideas discussed are suitable for all ages as there is something for everyone including parents, carers, and the team around the child. However, the majority of activities will be most useful for age 6 upwards. This will vary depending on the specific stage of the child. There are many that are relevant for teenagers and adults as well. • It has a focus on direct work and creative tools. So, it is particularly of interest for those who will be open to making and creating. Although there are also lots of tips and tools around talking and ways of being. • It is suitable for therapists, social workers, teachers, parents, carers, residential works and anyone else supporting directly or indirectly children or have experienced a or multiple deaths.

  • Do I need to watch it all in one go? Do I need to do all the activities and work through the order it is presented?

    Nope absolutely not. It is presented in bite size chunks ranging from 2 minutes to 24. This is purposely done to allow for people to dip in and dip out and to watch it in whichever way suits their learning style and the situation in which they are in. it is also intended that people pause, practice the exercises, reflect on them, discuss, and so forth. People may want to revisit and repeat them as well. There is a video clip about optimising the ways of absorbing the material. Also, there is no need to do all the activities- there is simply a range offered so that there is room for flexibility, choice, and adapting it to the individual. Also, there is no prescriptive order to work things through as the module acknowledges that everyone is unique and that it also will depend on the relationship with the child, the skillset and the knowledge of the person supporting the child, the context, the timing etc. So, it is advised to go through the modules and pick and choose what might work and to review and reflect on these.

  • Is the information covered suitable for individuals, for groups, or for whole classrooms?

    • The material is primarily aimed at one to one sessions and spaces with a child or a teenager, so, that it can be tailor made and adapted safely due to the complexity and pain of the loss. However, many of the tools and techniques can be used and adapted for group work. And this has been done very successfully. In terms of classroom work. Lots of the things to say or not to say and top tips of ways to being and talking about feelings can be very useful and are relevant. However, unless it is a death of a student or teacher which relates to the whole class, I wouldn’t generally suggest doing too much of the activities as a whole class as they can be overwhelming and not allow the space to attend to each child and their specific needs.

  • As an organisation we want multiple people to carry out the course is this possible?

    At the moment this is priced for individuals, however, if you are a team or an organisation of more than 10 people, please contact [email protected] and I can try and arrange this for you with a discounted fee for bulk orders. You can also purchase for £150ph a Q and A/ consultation session for your team.

  • How long can I access the course for?

    The course can be accessed for a 6-month period. You can watch it as many times as you like during that period- for individual access use only.

  • Can I share and reproduce this material?

    Whilst we of course want you to share your knowledge and take away messages and welcome this. This material is legally copyrighted. Please ensure that it is used in a way that honours the work that has gone into it and that any activities, quotes, information that is used or referred to is fully cited and referenced. The material cannot be replicated as this is not a train the trainer course. The log-in details are for individual use and will be monitored.